Saturday, December 22, 2007

Latihan Peribahasa Inggris

Sembari menantikan datangnya tahun baru, berikut ini saya berikan tugas santai kepada Anda berupa latihan melengkapi peribahasa Inggris. Di masing-masing peribahasa Inggris di bawah ini, ada sebuah kata yang harus Anda isikan sehingga semua peribahasa menjadi lengkap. Jawabannya bisa Anda cari di situs-situs lain, atau Anda juga bisa membaca buku saya English Proverbs and Quotations yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Dioma Malang. Jika Anda masih bisa bersabar, saya akan memberikan kunci jawabannya di tahun baru nanti. Good luck!

  1. Birds of the same feather flock .............
  2. A good example is the best .............
  3. Too many cooks spoil the .............
  4. A man without ambition is like a bird without .............
  5. ............. is the best policy.
  6. Haste makes .............
  7. A rolling ............. gathers no moss.
  8. Every ............. has a silver lining.
  9. Easy ............., easy go.
  10. A little leak will sink a great .............
  11. Bad ............. travels fast.
  12. A stitch in ............. saves nine.
  13. ............. makes perfect.
  14. Don't count your chicken before they are .............
  15. ............. is the best teacher.
  16. It is no use ............. over the spilt milk.
  17. Silence is .............
  18. ............. is power.
  19. Killing two ............. with one stone.
  20. Make ............. while the sun shines.


Eric said...

Great proverbs! As an English teacher at a major American university, I can assure you that the effective use of proverbs can help you stand out as an educated person. If you can comfortably and appropriately toss in a proverb here and there, your essays will become more memorable and effective.
I also just love proverbs as a treasury of folk wisdom.

Eric said...

Delightful collection!


Thanks for your good comments, Eric.