Friday, January 11, 2008

Puzzle: Black and White

Kali ini saya akan memberikan teka-teki dalam bahasa Inggris kepada Anda. Bagi yang tahu jawabannya, silahkan menuliskan jawabannya dalam Comment.

Here we go....

This is the name of a thing. It is white when it is dirty and it is black when it is clean.
So, can you guess what it is?


Anonymous said...

Is it a blackboard ?

rezkitrianto said...

I think the answer is black it true?????
Mas sering2 ngasi pertanyaan gini yah....

Oke-oke said...

I know,it is:

"I'm with my black coat? after salted the roads in winter"

sachroel said...

papan tulis
he..he..telat jawab


I would like to thank Mbak Ani, Rezki, Mas Iwan, M-Lov, and Sachroel who have participated in answering the puzzle.

Yes... The name of the thing is BLACKBOARD!