Sunday, February 10, 2008

Family & Relatives

Kali ini kita akan mempelajari kosakata yang berhubungan dengan keluarga dan sanak saudara (family and relatives).

father : ayah

mother : ibu

parents : orang tua

child : anak

son : anak laki-laki

daughter : anak perempuan

brother : saudara laki-laki

sister : saudara perempuan

husband : suami

wife : istri

uncle : paman

aunt : bibi

nephew : keponakan laki-laki

niece : keponakan perempuan

cousin : sepupu

grandfather : kakek

grandmother : nenek

grandparents : kakek nenek

grandson : cucu laki-laki

granddaughter : cucu perempuan

grandchild : cucu

father-in-law : ayah mertua

mother-in-law : ibu mertua

son-in-law : menantu laki-laki

daughter-in-law : menantu perempuan

brother-in-law : saudara ipar laki-laki

sister-in-law : saudara ipar perempuan

stepfather : ayah tiri

stepmother : ibu tiri

stepson : anak tiri laki-laki

stepdaughter : anak tiri perempuan


Isilah titik-titik dengan kata yang tepat!

  1. Your father’s wife is your ……………
  2. Your uncle’s son is your ……………
  3. Your mother’s father is your ……………
  4. Mr. Hasan has a daughter whose name is Susi. Susi is Rudy’s wife. So, Rudy is Mr. Hasan’s ……………
  5. Susi and Susan are sisters. Tono is Susi’s son and Rani is Susan’s daughter. So, Rani is Tono’s ……………
  6. Your father’s brother is your ……………
  7. Your uncle’s wife is your ……………
  8. Mitha is your sister. We can also say that Mitha is your father’s ……………
  9. Your cousin’s mother is your ……………
  10. Your nephew’s father is your ……………
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