Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Vocabulary Software

Vocabulary is one of the important elements that the students must master if they want to deepen their mastery in English. Sometimes we need a software to help us learn or increase our vocabulary. A vocabulary software from Vocaboly will be helpful for you because it is one of the best vocabulary software. You can learn much about vocabulary and you can also learn by playing games. Maybe you can try this software and make it your quality resource for your study.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your info! added your blog to my blog I hope we became as friend!

awi said...

iya emang vocab penting bgt tapi susah ngapalin nya

Anonymous said...

Sebenarnya vocab tidak perlu dihapal, Mbak Awi. Saya sendiri tidak pernah menghapalkannya. Yang biasa saya lakukan adalah menggunakannya secara langsung, baik dalam membuat kalimat maupun dalam percakapan.