Friday, April 25, 2008

Notable & Notorious

Kedua kata di atas sama-sama mengandung arti 'terkenal/terkemuka'. Namun demikian, kata notorious mengarah pada hal yang negatif (terkenal karena sesuatu yang buruk dilakukan).

Mr. Hasan is a notable person in this city.
= Pak Hasan adalah orang terkemuka di kota ini.
The notorious drug dealer was arrested by the police last week.
= Pengedar narkoba yang terkenal itu ditangkap oleh polisi minggu lalu.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Students often misuse these words. During lectures, I try to dictate them the words in sentences, so that they could remember them and use as in examples. But often they need editing help personal statement or proofreading their homework to be sure they didn't make mistakes. Spelling is the tricky part of any language.