Friday, July 11, 2008

Conditional Sentences (Type 3)

Conditional sentence type 3

if clause : past perfect tense (S + had + V3)

main clause : past future perfect (S + would have + V3)

Conditional sentence type 3 ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu syarat yang tidak mungkin lagi dipenuhi karena waktunya telah berlalu. Dengan kata lain, kenyataan bertentangan/berlawanan dengan keadaan di masa lampau.


If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.

(Real fact : I didn’t study hard, so I didn’t pass the exam.

Atau, I didn’t pass the exam because I didn’t study hard.)

I would have come to your house if the weather had been fine.

(Real fact : The weather wasn’t fine, so I didn’t come to your house.

Atau, I didn’t come to your house because the weather wasn’t fine.)

1 comment:

Valerie Deva said...

bkin contoh soalnya dong,