Sunday, July 13, 2008

Latihan Soal Sederhana

Tahun ajaran baru sudah dimulai. Siswa-siswa mulai masuk sekolah dan mulai belajar kembali. Untuk sekadar mengingatkan kembali akan pelajaran bahasa Inggris terdahulu, silahkan menjawab sepuluh soal sederhana di bawah ini dengan cermat.

1. (Because, And, When, Although) he is poor, he is happy.

2. All students in the class admire her (beauty, beautiful, beautifully, beautify).

3. (He, They, Her, She) is a very beautiful girl.

4. He asked (they, I, me, my) to help him.

5. The boy put his book (on, at, with, about) the table.

6. He jumped so (highly, high, always, fluently).

7. She always gets A in math because she is very (lazy, stupid, clever, rich).

8. The sun (sets, rises, disappears, sleeps) in the east.

9. The first winner will get a (diamond, gold, cotton, bronze) medal.

10. I will buy a car (as, though, before, if) I have a lot of money.


Anonymous said...

Although he is poor, he is happy.
All students in the class admire her beauty
She is a very beautiful girl.
He asked me to help him.
The boy put his book on the table.
He jumped so highly
She always gets A in math because she is very clever
The sun rises in the east.
The first winner will get a gold medal.
I will buy a car if I have a lot of money.

Berapa nilai saya pak guru?

Anonymous said...

Nilainya 9 sebab ada 1 yang salah, yaitu soal nomor 6.

Dalam kalimat itu kita membutuhkan kata keterangan cara (adverb of manner). Sebagian besar adverb of manner memang berakhiran -ly. Tetapi untuk kata 'high' bentuk adverb of manner-nya tetap 'high'. Atau, dengan kata lain, bentuk adjective dan adverb untuk kata ini sama. Jadi, kalimat yang tepat adalah He jumped so high, bukan he jumped so highly.

Memang, dalam bahasa Inggris ada juga kata 'highly' tetapi pengertiannya berbeda. Contoh: He is a highly educated man.

Tiffani Kosasih said...

Because he is poor, he is happy.

All students in the class admire her beauty

She is a very beautiful girl.
He asked me to help him.

The boy put his book on the table.

He jumped so highly

She always gets A in math because she is very clever.

The sun rises.

The first winner will get a gold.

I will buy a car if I have a lot of money.

Tolong di kasih nilai yaa.. !!